“I hope this book helps you travel near, far, deep, and wide, until you return home to yourself, feeling the miracle of being YOU.” – Hillary


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In these uncertain times, many of us are asking questions related to our identity, values and purpose.  How do we spend our days? Hillary's wisdom in The Currency Paradigm provides us with a much needed and fresh perspective on this conversation. Her generous voice will invite you to creatively consider what matters most to you and how to build a life around it.  

Jon DeWaal, Founder, Liminal Guide (inaliminalspace.org)

The Currency Paradigm provides a useful framework for understanding the emotions surrounding all four currencies. Amidst a backdrop of intense emotions, priorities, morals, and values—it’s never just about the money. Our behaviors are passed down from generation to generation, often taking center stage. Identifying and valuing all the currencies provides a shared language to guide emotionally charged conversations about how to “spend” these valuable resources.

Meagan M. Hyde, MS, LMFT (betterrelationshipstherapy.com) 

After reading and interacting with The Currency Paradigm, I am a much better leader of both my life and organization. This book opened my eyes to perceive decisions beyond money and time, clarifying multiple ways forward. If you need to move from scarcity thinking to abundance, this is a must read!

Dr. Lynne Ellis-Gray, MSW, D. Leadership & Theology, Executive Coach

In this powerful book, Hillary challenges a limited way of being and invites us into expansive territory to consider our own infinite potential with currency. Her inspiring and thoughtful storytelling summons the part of us that wants to join her to imagine outside the constrictions of scarcity and evolve into multidimensional beings who live in abundance across all spectrums of life. It is through her talents that we are gifted knowledge in this dimension which then opens the portal to deeper wisdom outside of space and time.

Jenae Kiehne, MA, Bridging Psychotherapy and Plant Medicine